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Posts Tagged with "Ukraine"

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Great Faith for a Great Future


Like God's people giving thanks for deliverance from Egypt and turning to enter the promised land, we celebrate what God has done but extend our faith for the future God has for us....

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Missions Update: Italy


The Lord is moving across Europe - out of Ukraine!...

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Small Beginnings


God excels in accomplishing big things from small beginnings. What began with a tiny outreach in L'viv is now bearing fruit all over Europe....

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Ministry Update: Busy But Blessed

A common response to the question, 'How's it going?' is 'Busy!'. And while it's true that we can be too busy, I often respond by saying, 'Better busy than bored!'. And while that's also true, there is something that's even better than being busy - and that is being blessed. In reflecting on what we've been up to, we've been busy ... but we're blessed!...

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Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Imagine a generous husband who gets a big bonus and decides to buy his wife a diamond ring for Christmas. It comes in small package, and when she opens it, she admires it, thanks him, but then sets it to the side. In the midst of all the Christmas-day chaos, the small but valuable diamond ring gets knocked off the end table, covered in Christmas paper, and lost. ...

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A Series of Fortunate Events


Sometimes a small seed planted grows into something big - and grows into unexpected places....

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Pentecostal Power

God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit to make us effective witnesses. The compelling story of Ivan Vornaev show's God's power in action. ...

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