July 3, 2019
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, Outreach, 2012, Jesus, party, pharisees, Levi
It may come as a surprise, but Jesus made a point of going to parties. We may think of Jesus as an emaciated desert wanderer who spoke in chapter and verse, but in truth, he was the hot ticket item in the Galilee social scene. This meant he got party invitations, but when he showed up, it was a party with a difference....
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May 15, 2019
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, Go, 2012, Jesus, clarity, identity, crystal clear
To hit the target, we need to know the target. If we listen to Jesus, he's crystal clear on what that target is....
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April 17, 2019
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, 2012, Jesus, Resurrection, easter
The resurrection of Jesus marks the launch of his mission to the world. ...
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February 20, 2019
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, faith, 2012, Destiny, purpose, Abraham
From Abraham we learn that we can trust God even when we don't know how things are going to turn out....
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November 12, 2018
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, Italy, gospel advance, Ukraine, Mestre, Venice,
The Lord is moving across Europe - out of Ukraine!...
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November 12, 2018
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, Paul, Refreshing, 2012, holy spirit, Europe, Spain, encouragement, God's people, Spirit of the Lord
Our Lord promises to restore our souls with green pastures and still waters: He also refreshes us with his people....
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August 16, 2018
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, vision, Team, 2012, Victory, Calling, purpose, championship
God builds us together into a championship team to fulfil his purpose on the earth today....
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August 16, 2018
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, Praise, 2012, purpose, prosperity, flourishing, connection, God's people
God wants you to prosper. But what does that look like? What does it take? The Lord invites us to a life of flourishing, planted in his house with his people...
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May 23, 2018
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, 2012, peace, Kingdom of God, anxiety, worry, trust
What would it look like to be filled with an abundance of peace? Jesus invites us to live anxiety-free lives while pursuing the kingdom of God....
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November 13, 2017
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, Gospel, 2012, Jesus, future, past, present, transfiguration
As the nights grow from cool to cold we bask in the glory of our great God. I'm so excited about what the Lord is doing with and through CBU, and I am so encouraged by our partnership together. We just had an amazing time together at our November Gathering in Ridgecrest; when we get together, we generate a world-changing faith. For those of you missed our November Gatherin...
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November 7, 2017
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, 2012, Jesus, Peter, purpose, Elijah, Moses, the Father, James, John, tabernacles, listen
By unveiling the glory of Jesus, the Father got the attention of the disciples so they would listen to him....
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July 15, 2017
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: Jesus, glory, God, harvest, labour, mission,
Jesus came to show us the remarkable glory of God....
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June 14, 2017
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, 2012, Jesus, Salvation, harvest, God's purpose, work
Jesus is continually inviting us to partner with Him in the Father's harvest, even when it doesn't seem like it is the opportune time....
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May 17, 2017
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, faith, 2012, Joshua, strength, courage, fear, intimidation, encouragement
Have you ever faced a moment of genuine intimidation? Have you ever been gripped with fear to the degree that you were paralysed - unable to move? This is what Joshua felt as he stood at the threshold of his moment of destiny....
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March 27, 2017
by Tom Jackson
| Tags: mission, 2012, Victory, Jesus, Resurrection, Life, Europe, easter, ascension, Brexit
It’s that time of year when we get to hit the pause button from everything else going on ...
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December 15, 2016
by Tom Jackson
Year End Review
| Tags: mission, vision, faith, Scotland, Nations, 2012, Ukraine, Provision, future, 2016, 2017, past, thanks, copenhagen
Imagine a generous husband who gets a big bonus and decides to buy his wife a diamond ring for Christmas. It comes in small package, and when she opens it, she admires it, thanks him, but then sets it to the side. In the midst of all the Christmas-day chaos, the small but valuable diamond ring gets knocked off the end table, covered in Christmas paper, and lost.
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January 1, 2012
by Tom Jackson
Tom's Take
| Tags: NewYear, 2012, Victory, faith, BestisYettoCome, vision, mission, Calling, Destiny
As we start a new year, we start with the faith that God has great things in store for us....
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