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Archives for December 2019

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Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.


This beautiful and familiar hymn by Charles Wesley, amended by George Whitefield, is packed with solid truth to enrich our understanding of Christmas....

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The Seed of the Kingdom


God's kingdom grows in our lives as his word takes root and bears fruit....

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Hearing Light and Seeing Sound


Jesus uses the metaphor of light explain the impact in our lives of hearing God's word well...

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Making It - to the Other Side


Jesus doesn't leave us alone, and he doesn't leave us where we are. He has purpose, destiny, and intention for our lives, but to get there, we have to go through storms....

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Barriers and Breakthrough


God invites us to breakthrough the barriers that prevent us from experiencing all the blessing he has for us....

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A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Following Jesus


Evaluting the price Jesus asks us to pay in light of the promised pay out....

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Up and Down


An up and down emotional life can be unhealthy, but there is a kind of up and down rhythm to following Jesus important for living life well....

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The Hard Work of Waiting


God's promises are worth waiting for, but waiting can be hard work. Keeping our eye on the prize makes it easier....

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Let Loving Hearts Enthrone Him


If we can recognise the identity of the baby born in Bethlehem, we can be rightly aligned to God by enthroning Jesus as our Lord and King....

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