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Posts Tagged with "Destiny"

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Seeing the Dream


Seeing the dream is the first step to living the dream God has for us....

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His Story, Your Destiny


When we believe the story of His Son we step into the destiny God created for us....

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The Fellowship of Faith


The fellowship of faith sparks songs of faith that empower a life of faith....

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Personal Destiny and Big Picture Purposes


Zechariah and Elizabeth were both faithful and fruitless; God fulfilled their personal dreams for his big picture purposes....

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Great Faith when we can't see the way


From Abraham we learn that we can trust God even when we don't know how things are going to turn out....

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Great Expectations 2019


God invites us to extend faith to experience his presence and walk in his purposes in 2019....

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For Such A Time As This


Do you ever feel like you're caught up in circumstances way too big for you? That's when we need to remember that God has wrapped our lives with purpose and destiny....

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The Mighty One

We live in a constant tension regarding which narrative about ourselves we're going to believe: are we going to be shaped by the many voices around us, or will be be shaped by what God says about us?...

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Crossing The Jordan

Every generation has the 'cross the Jordan' to enter the place, purpose, and provision God has for it....

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The Best Is Yet To Come

As we start a new year, we start with the faith that God has great things in store for us....

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