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Archives for March 2017

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The Mission of Easter

It’s that time of year when we get to hit the pause button from everything else going on ...

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Ministry Update: Busy But Blessed

A common response to the question, 'How's it going?' is 'Busy!'. And while it's true that we can be too busy, I often respond by saying, 'Better busy than bored!'. And while that's also true, there is something that's even better than being busy - and that is being blessed. In reflecting on what we've been up to, we've been busy ... but we're blessed!...

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Like a Mighty Rushing Wind

The active presence of the Holy Spirit is not something God intended to be limited to the early church; this is also our inheritance in Christ....

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The Year of Jubilee

Jesus came to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, a spiritual jubilee in which we are restored to the happy land of our relationship with God. This positions us for active participation in God's purposes, including gratitude-based generosity. Every time we give, every moment we share with those in need, every week we set aside a tithe and give it to God to fund his wors...

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