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Posts Tagged with "faith"

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Great Faith for a Great Future


We live in an unprecedented time of change; in Joshua 1 we learn principles for moving forward in God's purpose even when the future is uncertain....

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2020 Vision


As we launch into a new year and a new decade, the Lord offers vision correction to help us see from his perspective....

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Barriers and Breakthrough


God invites us to breakthrough the barriers that prevent us from experiencing all the blessing he has for us....

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Making It - to the Other Side


Jesus doesn't leave us alone, and he doesn't leave us where we are. He has purpose, destiny, and intention for our lives, but to get there, we have to go through storms....

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Great Faith for a Great Future


Like God's people giving thanks for deliverance from Egypt and turning to enter the promised land, we celebrate what God has done but extend our faith for the future God has for us....

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We all like being praised for our accomplishments; Jesus offers us a unique kind of commendation....

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His Story, Your Destiny


When we believe the story of His Son we step into the destiny God created for us....

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The Fellowship of Faith


The fellowship of faith sparks songs of faith that empower a life of faith....

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Certain Confidence in a Trustworthy God


We live in an age in which skepticism is applauded; the Lord invites us to trust him fully....

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Personal Destiny and Big Picture Purposes


Zechariah and Elizabeth were both faithful and fruitless; God fulfilled their personal dreams for his big picture purposes....

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Nothing is Impossible


Jesus teaches us that 'all things are possible for him who believes'; the circumstances surrounding his birth illustrate this...

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Against the Flow


The life of faith is not just floating downstream, it is a swim of destiny against a cultural flow perpetually pushing against us. But it's worth it....

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The Others


Faith and faithfulness in following Jesus produces more than victorious outcomes, it also sustains us victoriously through moments of darkness and challenging circumstances....

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No Roots


Abraham's life was rooted in God's promise even when we lived as man without roots; by inhabiting God's promises, our lives become marked with the substance of eternity....

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Walking With God


How do we walk with God on a daily basis? Lessons from Adam, Enoch, and Jesus help us enjoy the Lord in the mundane details of life....

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Great Faith when we can't see the way


From Abraham we learn that we can trust God even when we don't know how things are going to turn out....

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Keeping Confidence in Tough Times


By keeping our eyes on Jesus, we can endure the difficulties of life and thrive in faith....

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Great Expectations 2019


God invites us to extend faith to experience his presence and walk in his purposes in 2019....

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The Mighty One

We live in a constant tension regarding which narrative about ourselves we're going to believe: are we going to be shaped by the many voices around us, or will be be shaped by what God says about us?...

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Following Jesus

Someone exploring the Christian faith recently asked me: 'What does it mean to follow Jesus - practically - on a day to day basis?' That's a great question - and here's my answer....

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Strength and Courage

Have you ever faced a moment of genuine intimidation? Have you ever been gripped with fear to the degree that you were paralysed - unable to move? This is what Joshua felt as he stood at the threshold of his moment of destiny....

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Super Bowl Season

God's vision for our lives is victory, not survival. But victory is about more than winning personally - it's about God's purposes winning. ...

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Faith for the New Year

As we prepare to enter the New Year, our focus on being faithful with the gospel is more important than ever. I was recently chatting with my dad about the impact CBU has had over the decades since our first conference in 1974. Thousands have been touched, but it has been for a purpose. ...

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Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Imagine a generous husband who gets a big bonus and decides to buy his wife a diamond ring for Christmas. It comes in small package, and when she opens it, she admires it, thanks him, but then sets it to the side. In the midst of all the Christmas-day chaos, the small but valuable diamond ring gets knocked off the end table, covered in Christmas paper, and lost. ...

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Restoration is a hard thing to believe. Can the future be better than the past? That's what God's people in Jerusalem were wondering. ...

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Surviving The Storms

How do we navigate the storms that hit us as we follow Jesus? Several stories in the Bible point us in the right direction....

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The Wisdom of Seeking God

A Power Promise: Enjoy the reward of Seeking God in 2012...

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The Best Is Yet To Come

As we start a new year, we start with the faith that God has great things in store for us....

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