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Back To Basics

back to basics

Faithfully following Jesus means faithfully passing on to others what he has entrusted to us....

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Transfigured On Purpose

transfigured on purpose

By unveiling the glory of Jesus, the Father got the attention of the disciples so they would listen to him....

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Eagles and Turkeys


God seats us in Christ in the heavenly places, but we often forget who we are and spend our time pecking around with an earth-based perspective....

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The Glory of Jesus


Jesus came to show us the remarkable glory of God....

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Following Jesus

Someone exploring the Christian faith recently asked me: 'What does it mean to follow Jesus - practically - on a day to day basis?' That's a great question - and here's my answer....

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The Mighty One

We live in a constant tension regarding which narrative about ourselves we're going to believe: are we going to be shaped by the many voices around us, or will be be shaped by what God says about us?...

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Harvest Time

Jesus is continually inviting us to partner with Him in the Father's harvest, even when it doesn't seem like it is the opportune time....

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Strength and Courage

Have you ever faced a moment of genuine intimidation? Have you ever been gripped with fear to the degree that you were paralysed - unable to move? This is what Joshua felt as he stood at the threshold of his moment of destiny....

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Reflections on my daughter's wedding

Weddings happen all over the world, every day. But it's not every day that my own daughter gets married. We just returned from Nagoya, Japan, where my oldest daughter Julia married Kazuyoshi Matsumoto. Here's the story behind the story, followed by some reflections from a fatherly perspective. ...

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The Mission of Easter

It’s that time of year when we get to hit the pause button from everything else going on ...

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