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This is where you can enjoy a selection of sermons given at CBU conferences over the years.  We are continually adding to this collection, so please be sure to check back soon to see new sermons may have been uploaded. You can listen online, or download these to your own computer.  To stay up on the latest, susbscribe to the podcast and be notified when a new sermon is available.

PLEASE NOTE: For technical reasons, some messages are uploaded as two parts.  Be sure to go to Part 2, or download both parts, so as to avoid missing any of the sermons.


Sermons from John

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November 22, 2015

Let's Go Fishing

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: November Gathering 2015 Topic: Christian Life Passage: John 21

November 8, 2014

Preparation for the Moment of Darkness

Speaker: Jim Laffoon Series: November Gathering 2014 Topic: Jesus Christ Passage: John 11:9–11:10

November 3, 2013

The Lord's Table as Spiritual Warfare

Speaker: Bob Mumford Series: November Gathering 2013 Topic: Communion Passage: John 6:53

November 19, 1994

Prayer - Your Path to Victory

Speaker: Dudley Hall Series: November Reach Out Conference 1994 Topic: Prayer Passage: John 16:16–16:33

November 17, 1990

Encountering the Living God

Speaker: Bob Mumford Series: November Reach Out Conference 1990 Topic: Christian Life Passage: John 20:24–20:31