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More Words That Describe Us

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Orthodox: We are a linked ministry. We practice an ancient faith in a very modern context. Even though we work hard to speak a language people understand today, we cling to our roots within the context of historic Christianity. Christian orthodoxy is defined by the Creeds of the ancient Church. 

Protestant: We are a biblical ministry.  The Latin phrase ecclesia semper reformans, semper reformanda (the church is reformed and yet always reforming) is a reminder that God perpetually calls us back to his Word to let it shape and tweak us.  The Reformation Standards remind us that people are saved on the basis of God's unearned love and favour, not on the basis of their performance.

Evangelical:  We are a gospel-centered ministry. The gospel is the story of how God created us and we fell away, how God redeemed us and restores us to relationship with himself through the work of Christ.  The gospel changes everything - what we believe, how we are related to God, and how we live.  It flavours everything we do as a church.

Spirit-filled:  We are a charismatic ministry. We believe God's Spirit indwells us for life, empowers us for witness, and gives us gifts for ministry. The Christian life is really about God living in and through his people. And He does this by his Spirit.

Missional:  We are a missionary ministry.  God is a missionary God - He sent Jesus to save us - and he sends us into the world to share the truth and love of Christ with a world that is lost and hurting.  Jesus calls his followers to live like missionaries – wherever we are.


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